Tuesday, March 4, 2008


the walls rebuilt are as weak as before.
every step forward echoes against them.
the sounds loudly clanging will knock them down again.
it seems so hopeless, repeating forever--
only You truly save, Lord.

hear the cries of the broken again;
broken with waters too high to survive
and dreams now washed away--not dead but dying,
as surely as the next hurricane.
only You give life, Lord.

all that we build on to lift up our hearts
above all the horror of life an its struggles
that's not built on You will soon be submerged.
though gutted and groomed, its never a refuge.
only You are sure, Lord

the God of all history, ever repeating His truth:
all things we value and cherish
above or beside Him will be washed away, quickly
consumed and polluted, to fade into nothing.
only You will last, Lord.

Lord, show me where building my life has blinded me,
constructing a shelter in talent, ability,
wealth, friends or family, accomplishments and more--
I know it will wash away. I need you.
only You will hold, Lord

You are my hope, and while all is faltering
I can hold on and know You are holding me.
as I grip tightly, may the world see You as
more than a quick fix or just blame You for anything--
only You are hope, Lord.

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